Tuesday 20 October 2015

Representation of celebrities in social media


Many celebrities have YouTube accounts, that allows them to show what they are passionate about such as having videos that are different to what they actually do as a career, or some have accounts to interact with their fans and carry on entertaining them. However, there are many fans and people who create videos to talk about celebrities or make a parody or other inspirational videos. 

Examples of these accounts are:

- Lily Singh - iisuperwomanii                                      https://www.youtube.com/user/IISuperwomanII

But as an account is needed to put up these videos, there are many people who copy or have fake accounts of a celebrity. This therefore confuses the fans and public into knowing which account to subscribe to. But for the celebrities who are well known globally, are likely to have an obvious account, however the celebrities who are not as well known or have started recently into the industry, may have accounts that imitates them.

There are also many celebrities who have become famous by making videos and putting it up on YouTube, if they attract many people and start to have fans, this then gets known to other celebrities or industries that have an interest and so start to communicate with the person making the video and gives them contracts or work that enables them to make a living out of the videos they create or become even more successful and famous.

Examples of these celebrities are:

- Justin Bieber (singer)
- Dylan O' Brien (actor)
- Soulja Boy (artist)
- Darren Criss (actor)
- Charice (actor)                                                               https://www.youtube.com/user/charice
- Michelle Phan (makeup artist)                                 https://www.youtube.com/user/MichellePhan

The YouTubers, who make videos about celebrities that they look up to as their role model and are a fan of them, include positive facts about that celebrity, and try their best to make their fans like and follow the celebrity they love. They will update the public with any meet ups with the celebrity they like or about an events they have coming up, this makes that celebrity become aware of this as information spreads greatly on the internet. Therefore, that celebrity may want to meet that YouTuber in order to show their appreciation. The YouTuber would then post a video about this which could also feature the celebrity, this then interests the public more as they see how someone creating videos about their role model could potentially make them meet them.


  1. WWW: you have started to investigate the portrayal of celebrity
    EBI: What does celebrity mean to you? Are these representations adhering to the conventions/rules of celebrity?

  2. Celebrities are people who do what they love and have the talent to do that, due to their work, inspirational talks and about their life before they hit fame interests the public and therefore makes them want to continue knowing about them.

    The representations given by Youtubers or fan pages on Instagram etc. are fairly similar to how these celebrities are, if the accounts are either the celebrities or people who talk about those celebrities.

    However, there are many accounts that represent some celebrities in a negative way that can be completely different to how they actually are due to that person disliking that specific celebrity.

    But as all this information and videos are put up online using the internet, those celebrities can quickly pick up on this and see who is responsible for this. This also enables the public to support the celebrity even further as they will be against anyone who disapproves their role model.

    But for some this may question them into thinking that it may be true, as celebrities would not want anything they have done wrong to be published to the world as this shows them negatively. Any crimes they commit etc, they would want it to be covered up but people who have heard or seen the incidents may publish this online in order to show those celebrities "true self."

    Therefore it is very difficult for the public to believe whatever is shown and represented of the celebrities and it is difficult for the celebrities to be kept "hidden."
