Wednesday 20 April 2016

Mulvey's male gaze theory

Sicario – Emily Blunt and Sandra Bullock were starred in the movie however these roles were originally written for men.
Women are replacing men’s roles e.g. Ghost busters, Mad Max

Male gaze – cinema and moving image are created for men.
Patriarchal in nature – mainstream cinema
Female gaze – female producers/actresses/films to encounter male gaze
Mulvey suggest patriarchy is inscribed in mainstream cinema by ensuring that men are the “bearer of the look” whilst women exist “to be looked at”.
Are women’s bodies in the text represented as fragmented? Are they shown through close-ups?
Men are active – making things happen – contrast to women’s passivity?
What do the women’s in the text say? Are they knowledgeable? Are they academic? Are they powerful?
      AOC : women driving/rescuer/type of car/confidence
Women sexualised? – Dr Foster? – Complicated representation of women
How use of editing enforces the representations?
-       Gemma and Simon in kitchen as final scene – strength of both are shown

Use of theories to talk about representation of women

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