Tuesday 10 May 2016

'These perspectives in turn are products of distinct moments in time and are specific to the social realities of these times.' Samantha Lay How far do you agree with this statement.

Representations have been shown greatly through the use of media, this is either exaggerated and elaborated or shown very realistically that a lot of people within society can relate to. As Lay has mentioned about "distinct moments in time", this shows how representations change and alter according to different phases and places. This has been increasingly occurring within women representation within the media, looking at the TV drama Dr Foster, this is a very modern view of how women are. It destabilises the stereotype of women needing to be a housewife and childcare but is shown as a strong, independent women who can stand up for herself and actually be the dominant one within her relationship. This shows the increase of modernity within society, as her representation is not taken with a shock but seems very natural and normal. 

Working outside and that too at a high position with her income covering the household finances, just displays to us about her authority and importance of her role. Despite being the breadwinner, she too fulfils her duty as a mother towards her son by collecting him from school, making breakfast and tucking him into bed. This just shows how versatile she is as a women who is capable enough to take the responsibility of many things within her life. Yet, as soon as an issue comes up within her marriage life, she becomes completely devastated and at times shown as defeated. 

John Lewis 2010 ad

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