Saturday 7 May 2016

“Media representations are complex, not simple and straightforward”. How far do you agree with this statement in relation to the collective group that you have studied? [50]

Stuart Hall puts out his view of media representation by saying that they are "not simple and straightforward", this shows exactly how complex and elaborate representations can be, especially on the view of gender. Analysing representation of women, there is far too many influences that revolve around their portrayal such as family, politics and society in general. However, some may argue that representation can be straightforward such as the various TV adverts that portray women as housewives, when promoting house products such as cleaning items. This shows the view of what majority of people believe women are, yet it can also be argued that this is just the stereotypes given by society. Women are not intelligent enough to work out and have a career but to stay home and please their husband by taking care of the home, cooking and childcare.

However this view has been strongly opposed by the TV drama Dr Foster, Gemma, a wife, mother and doctor has been shown as a very diverse character, using both her intelligence as well as conforming to the stereotype of using her sexuality as a tactic to carry out her revenge. From being a hard working professional, to using her role as a contrivance, a loving mother for her son, to a deranged, unbalanced mother who was willing to let her husband believe that she has killed her son in order for him to confess.The complexity shown through this one character, really shows how difficult it is to represent the multitude of personalities and characteristics that a women can have. On the other hand the antagonist character Kate, a young women who is having an affair with a married man, executes the stereotype of men going after younger women. 

Her portrayal of being sexualised with fitted clothing, occasionally revealing clothes, accomplishes the message needing to be given. However, shown as a "ditzy blonde" as Lippmann would call this "a short cut" of knowing the simplistic forms of representation that carry a lot of information. This is shown by her having faith in Simon, by completely relying on him and believing every promise he makes. But then this can also be argued that the age gap between the two, makes her seem less dominate, less intelligent and less experienced or it could also mean her having fear of the truth being spilled.

The two leading women in the drama have contrasting roles, yet have some similar characteristic such as wanting attention, love and affection from a heterosexual relationship. Being concerned about their appearance by being slim, wearing minimal yet elegant make-up and wearing fashionable clothing according to their age ranges. Yet, they both are presented differently with Gemma being a very strong and dominate character whereas Kate is calm and gentle almost being pushed around to wherever benefiting others.

Looking at the film August Osage County, Barbara is shown to have similar characteristics as Gemma, a strong willed women who is having difficulties within her marriage life yet covers this up due to the concern of people around her. Although the two characters are shown within different areas and community, there is always a similar stereotype of women within all societies. This has led them into opposing the general view and showing their intelligence in potentially making a change and maybe even giving out a message to women going through such oppression in reality.

Being the oldest within her family and having two younger sisters as well as a daughter, adds to the pressure of her being a role model for the other females in her life. Therefore, hides the negative side of her life from her family due to difficult time already the family is going through of their fathers demise. Yet, her depression can be clearly seen by her appearance, the lack of make-up and carelessness towards her hair and clothing shows how she either does not have the time to take care of her self as she is a mother but also because her husband is now having an affair with a "younger woman" therefore, she does not need to bother about how she looks, as she has lost the attention from her husband.

Nonetheless, this could also mean her being a very natural character who does not need to subvert to the stereotype of wearing make-up to look pretty or revealing her figure in order to gain attraction. Society immediately get the idea that women without make-up means they are depressed or are not beautiful enough without it, this view has been strongly supported by Barbara's mother Violet who says "women need to wear make-up, else they look like a lesbian" or that "women get uglier and fatter with age." This shows how the stereotypes have taken over her, as she blindly believes this view even though she is a women herself.

As a result, Barbara is shown to be a very complex character who is trying to oppose the general stereotype of women needing to do certain things in order to be attractive, whereas Violet is subverting herself to societies view of representation of not being complicated but actually enrolling the convention.

1 comment:

  1. WWW: you are clearly engaging with the debate of representation and investigating whether it truly is so complex to represent what it means to be 'woman'
    EBI: Try to add a debate about Violet-she may say those things, but what happens to her character in the end of the film?
