Wednesday 4 May 2016

Females Representation (Dr Foster) - editing

Gemma (episode 5)
- represented as a psychopath
- unable to control emotions
- she is confessing to Simon but manipulating
- key moment of showing reader, the audience of how complex the situation is
- playing as an anguished female but behind it is manipulating
- dressed very calmly but taking revenge very morally
- minimal make-up and jewellery not overtly sexualised in any way
- three shot or Gemma mid shot in blur focus - she is over seen - in complete control, pre-range, she was playing as the victim - emotionally controlled women
- long shot: audience are omniscient viewers
- over the shoulder - Kate - story being carried out
- Gemma shown as weak - lost to Simon - but completed her revenge by getting to accomplish what she wanted
- Neil's wife called first - shown as caring towards Gemma - dislikes Gemma for being so moral, not letting her issues to just be - but does not want to harm her, just to damage her profession not physically
- Kate shown as vulnerable - nurturing and caring for Simon - more concerned about him, Whereas Neil's wife is very shocked and surprised
- Gemma - mother/madonna
- Neil's wife - madonna
- Kate - whore - simplistic character - judging as stereotypical - weak, unintelligent - different to Gemma and Neil's wife characters
- extreme close up to show his physical dominance to her - also shows their expressions - strangling Gemma - silencing her
- But she is manipulating this violence - the shatter and punch is acting as a double ended sword - shows the representation of stopping Simon from seeing his son - enforcing the portrayal of him being a 'monster-like' character
- domestic abuse - violence in household - straightaway have the stereotype of women being the victim - men being violent but Gemma is manipulating this to happen
- cracking of representation and boundaries that women can uphold
- Carly: stood outside smoking - aided Gemma in order to accomplish revenge - her character os being quite collective and calm - not disturbed by inside issue but knows Gemma is strong and in control of the situation.

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