Saturday 9 January 2016

Plan for essay

This should show your examiner you know about the issue that there is no such thing as ‘collective identity’. You should be able to include a couple of theorists who have argued this: Gauntlett/Buckingham. You should clearly engage in the debate of construction of identity.
You should also outline your collective identity group and the two/three texts that you have used. Remember to include details e.g. Dr Foster director, date, producer etc.

1. Can women be seen as professionals?
- Dr Foster:
Gemma - is at the top of her profession as a Doctor, however there has been times where she links her personal and professional life together. She also uses her colleagues for personal problems, she takes advantage of being a doctor by threatening others and by doing so she gets suspended from her work. She also shows signs of depression at work and patients question her if she is alright, choosing who she wants to see also shows how she is not taking the role seriously, makes call on patient's phone which is not legally right.
Kate - works in an internship but not much is shown when she is working, by getting pregnant, sign of maybe to leave job.
Carly - working in a pub, her boyfriend and other male workers do not treat her well, is not a profession but has to in order to "survive"-food, house etc.
- Adverts:
Women shown as "housewives" - as they advertise cleaning products, kitchen appliances or make-up. This shows how they need to only care about their appearance and how to keep their homes looking good and satisfy their husbands.
Women shown as "sex objects" - use of revealing clothes, gives immediate idea of what is being represented, use of make-up either focused dramatically on one area such as having bright red lipstick or dark eye make-up allows the audience to focus on. This shows how they should not have any profession but to pose in front of a camera, showing their "beauty".
- Theorists:
"Identities are not given, but are constructed and negotiated" Gauntlet
"Identities are not simple and straightforward" Buckingham

2. Are women all portrayed to be morally responsible?
- Dr Foster:
Gemma - is in control of her life, has responsibility for her child, has to make food/bed/collect from school, has to fulfill these responsibilities of a mother as well as of her own by attending work in order to cover finances-responsible for household income and also to satisfy husband.
Carly - at first no as she has some fear of putting out her opinions, choices, decisions however seeing Gemma, gives her some motivation to take some responsibility and put forward her voice. Also by getting her boyfriend back into the house, shows how she is responsible as she is in control by deciding if he should stay or not.
Kate - is very young, influenced by what the male says, does. Not in responsible of the relationship as she gets pregnant, shocked to hear news-not planned.
- Adverts:
Women shown as "housewives" - shows they are in responsible of the house as they are spending most time if not all time there and so have the house to their perspective. But are not in charge of working outside and earning a profit as that job is left to heir husbands. Also are in responsible for their children as their only role is a mother.
Women shown as "sex objects" - shows how they are not responsible of their lives at all, even down to their appearances-it has to be "adjusted" to how males like such as revealing clothes, make-up to attract and hairstyle done in a way to look elegant.
- Theorists:
"Identities are complicated, everyone thinks they have one" Gauntlet
"The medium is the message" McLuchan

3. Manipulative seeking revenge?
- Dr Foster:
Gemma - emotions takes over thinking, stress and depression are the result of seeking revenge and she can go to an limit to complete her revenge-use of female sexuality.
Carly - was not planning to take revenge on boyfriend, but Gemma influences her by saying not to let him take advantage and "win" but to make him suffer as well. However, Gemma takes responsibility in avenging against Carly's boyfriend.
Kate - was not planning to take revenge on Gemma, but once her truth has been out in front of her family, makes her want some revenge by hitting Gemma. Shows some action of revenge, also wants to accomplish in taking away Simon from Gemma even more by mentioning about the baby.
- Adverts:
Women shown as "housewives" -  have no sign of wanting to seek revenge, as it shows them carrying out their role very happily and that they are not "forced" but it is their choice, shows sign of not being "intelligent" but to do things in order to please their husband.
Women shown as "sex objects" - 
- Theorists:
"Stereotypes are not always negative" Perkins

4. Weak, subordinate to men?
- Dr Foster:
Gemma - throughout, shows how she is weak by letting the affair affect her life completely, stress and depression is shown on her face whereas her husband shows no sign of fear at the front of her. However, she is very strong by keeping the affair within her for so long and to seek revenge and not just break out and go away with her son and let the male win. At the end it shows how much stronger she is as she is successful in accomplishing her revenge, she also makes her husband feel guilty and is also financially stronger than her husband.
Carly - very weak and is subordinate to men, lets her boyfriend do whatever he wants, even down to physically abusing her-shows how weak she is. Having Gemma help her and to talk to him, shows how she needs support and is not capable of doing it alone. But later on, when she has forgiven him and brings him back into the house, shows how she has become stronger and is in control-but could be questioned that this strength and motivation has been given by Gemma.
Kate - weak to men as she is not in charge of the relationship as she is much younger to Simon, therefore allows him to take decisions. But by seeing that the "plan" is not going accordingly to her, she puts in her opinion and say by wanting to keep the baby and to leave Gemma as soon as possible.
- Adverts:
Women shown as "housewives" - 
Women shown as "sex objects" - 
- Theorists:
"Dominant ideology, serves the interest of the ruling class" Marx

Revisit your issues. Reaffirm the debate that there is no such thing as a collective identity for your group. Try to revisit your theorists you used in your introduction. Do not include any new examples. Have a balance of including examples used - TV drama, magazines or adverts.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of hard work going on here Fatima well done.
    Make sure you select your magazines and get your examples for textual analysis asap!
    Mrs S
