Tuesday 12 January 2016

Media and Collective Identity - practice essay 1

Analyse the ways in which the media represent one group of people that you have studied (50)

The media shows many representations of society and people, studying how women are represented in the media is a very broad group as they are represented in many different ways within different areas of the media.

In the TV series of Dr Foster, there are many female characters who show different personalities, However, do have some link and similarities which majority of the society agree with or seen as stereotype.

Gemma who is a doctor within the drama, is the top of her workplace. This shows how women can be seen as professionals as they too can have a career and earn a large amount of profit. Being the head at her workplace, gives her immediate respect regardless of who or how she is.

However, once a huge tragedy occurs within her personal life, it starts to overpower her professional life. This shows how she cannot keep the two separate, shows signs of not being 'stable enough'.

She also takes the advantage of being a doctor by using her colleagues for her personal problems and also gives 'tasks' that are not legally right, especially being in the profession they are. She also threatens others, by saying how she is a doctor, this results in her getting suspended from her job.

This shows how women cannot be reliable or be able to handle a big profession as they let their emotions and stress take over everything else in their life. Showing signs of depression at work, choosing which patient she wants to see, making phone calls on patient's phone. All of these acts Gemma has done as a doctor are very negative and shows how she in not stable enough as a professional.

One the other hand, looking at how women are represented on adverts, are very different to how women are represented on Dr Foster. This is because they are represented in two ways either as 'housewives' or as 'sex objects'.

Being represented as housewife means advertising cleaning products, kitchen appliances or make-up. This shows how this is as much women have knowledge of in their mind. But women represented as 'sex objects', the use of revealing clothes and dramatic make-up gives an immediate idea of what is being represented.

This shows how they should not have a career or a job but to only bother about their appearance. This can either be done by posing in front of a camera or to sit home and wait for their husbands to arrive from work, in order to show how beautiful they are.

Linking this to a quote by Gauntlett "Identities are not given, but are constructed and negotiated". This shows how you are not born with a given identity but you make it as you grow and by what you achieve, show or do. Although, society will always have stereotypes and give a 'label' to women, does not mean it can be changed. As this quote shows how you make your own identity.

Therefore, women who are taking part in these adverts show how they are careless of if they are being portrayed in a negative way, as long as their beauty is shown. This gives an idea to society that...

You are beginning to explore different representation issues.

How can you compare specific scenes from specific adverts?

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