Thursday 14 January 2016

Media and Collective Identity - practice essay 2

Analyse the ways in which the media represent one group of people that you have studied (50)

Media represents a lot about the general societies views about certain things, majority of the representations are based on stereotypes which may not always be true. As Gauntlett would say "Identity is complicated, everyone thinks they have one". This shows how not everyone has an identity but due to society giving a label to a specific 'group', enables them to be represented as that label.

In the TV drama series 'Dr Foster', representations of women have been shown quite broadly as there are quite a few number of females playing a role. Gemma who is a doctor and is at the top level of her profession, is hows as not being 'stable' enough to take on this role. Although, it shows that women can be professional, it later goes back to the stereotype of women letting their emotions take over.

Seeing a blond piece of hair on her husband's coat, had completely changed Gemma's life. This shows how females are very 'possessive' over their husband and are very insecure as she starts to suspect every 'blond' haired female who is in contact with Simon, her husband. As an audience, we would feel that she is going a bit 'over the top' and almost 'psycho-like' due to many incidents she does in order to get the truth out.

She starts to take advantage of being a doctor, by using her work colleagues for her own personal issues. Threatening others and getting suspended from work, to choosing whom she wants to see as a doctor. Showing signs of depression and having patients asking her is she is ok. All these situations show how Gemma is not 'fit' for a doctor as she is not capable enough to keep her professional and personal life separate.

Another character within the drama, Carly works in a bar, this job may have been given by her boyfriend. This is because she is restricted with her break hours as it is shown when she meets Gemma outside the pub. This shows how she is not able to become a professional or have a career. But works in order to survive such as for food and house.

Linking this representation to TV adverts, there are a wide range of adverts promoting chocolate. However, chocolate is not just being promoted but the idea of women as well. Women tend to be in these adverts such as the 'Lindor Lindt Chocolate' adverts in 2013 and 2015 as well as the recent 'Galaxy' advert. Women are portrayed as eating the chocolate seductively and wearing clothing that are quite revealing.

This gives the idea how female are not 'intelligent' enough to have a career but to be satisfied with 'chocolate' as their expressions clearly show that is all they care about. Their appearance as well is taken very seriously as they need to represent their beauty. This gives an immediate idea to what is being represented as well as the chocolates. Having the make-up focused on one area very intensely such as having dramatic eye make-up or bright red lipstick gives full attention to those areas from the audience.

'Identity is not given, but is constructed and negotiated' by Gauntlett, this shows how not everyone is born with an identity. But you make it yourself as you grow by what you achieve, show or do. Therefore, linking this to how females are represented in the media is saying how those women want to show themselves as begin either very intelligent, emotional from Dr Foster or quite 'ditzy' and sexual from TV adverts.

Another representation of women within TV adverts are as housewives. Showing cleaning products or kitchen appliances. Majority of the adverts such as hoover or bleach/cleaning products for the bathroom are shown by women. This gives the idea how they are not really intelligent enough to earn, but need to keep the house clean in order to satisfy their husbands...

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